Housing Resources
Kic-It (Kids In Crisis Intervention Team) establishes a comprehensive support network designed to empower youth in overcoming the challenges of homelessness and fostering independence.
No Place to Call Home is an agency affiliated with the United Way of Johnson County, dedicated to assisting individuals facing homelessness or those at risk of experiencing homelessness. To determine eligibility for their services, please contact the helpline at 317-738-4636.
Human Trafficking Resources
Ascent 121 www.ascent121.org
Allies, Inc www.allies-inc.org
Pathways International www.pathway.us
Ascent 121 www.ascent121.org (up to age 24)
Grit Into Grace http://gritintograce.org/contact (Work with those exiting trafficking)
Taharih Justice Center http://www.taharih.org/who-we-serve/forms-of-violence/forced-marriage/
Resiliency Foundation http://resiliencyfoundation.com/resources/ (Forced child marriages)
IYSA/ITVAP https://indysb.org/itvap/
Resources for Children of Addicted Parents
Guide for Children of Addicted Parents
Recovery and healing for both you and your parents is possible. Growing Up With an Addicted Parent In 2012, the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimated that at least one in every four children grows up in a household where at least one parent is abusing drugs or alcohol. Also in 2012, the Current Drug … Continue readingGuide for Children of Addicted Parents